Welcome to the Colorado Office of eHealth Innovation!
Check out our About Us page to learn more about our team's mission, vision, and goals!
eHealth Commission Monthly Meeting
When: April 9, 2025 12:00-2pm MDT
Join the Zoom meeting with Passcode: ehealth
Public Comment: Please use this public comment form to provide any public comment for consideration during the upcoming eHealth Commission meeting. Please submit comments 24-hours prior to the upcoming meeting on April 9, 2025.
Meeting Materials:
- Agenda
- Presentation
Community Engagement Opportunities: Request a Visit from OeHI
The Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI) is the State-Designated Entity for all Health IT strategy, policy, and funding coordination. This designation means that we are responsible for managing and coordinating Colorado’s Health IT strategy across public and private sector partners. To ensure that OeHI's work reflects the wants and needs of people in Colorado, we want to create opportunities to meet with health care providers and community organizations to hear about health IT needs and challenges. We want to hear what matters most to you and your community, so please complete the form below to request a virtual meeting with the OeHI team.
Fill out this form to request a listening session with the OeHI team